We finished my next book!!
I have ordered my author copies of my latest book and finished with the updates to the text, design and illustrations.
It's been so much hard work that I've, the illustrator, the beta testers, the editors and the whole publishing team at Rowanvale Books have put in.
It demands a whole team of people to write a book, I always say. Often new writers don't know this, but it's true. Each member of the team is equally as important but for different aspects of the process.
I always have two different editors working on my text. One who looks it over BEFORE I send it to the publishers/agents. After that, I make good use of the publishing house's own editor to spot any error with the text. Beta-readers, myself and Grammarly spot the remaining errors.
Everyone is so important!
Did you know that I have questions and answers open on my Goodread's page now during June to answer questions regarding my latest book, Sophia & Mr Rocket? Pop into and ask me your questions! :)
Kindest regards,