
Sarah J.


Author, Writer, Freelance Journalist


Answering questions no 2


Over the years I've received and read many questions on writing, uniquely my own. Here is my take on answering some of them!

What are your writing routines? My goal is to write from 8 am to 5 pm every weekday, but the truth is: I'm ill. I need to sleep around 18 hours a day, and therefore, I work around it. Currently, that means that I write non-stop between 2 pm and 5 pm every weekday.

It's not much, but it's what I can manage now when I'm not feeling well.

It's something that I advocate too; that we shouldn't give up on our dreams just because our life isn't what we wished it to be. It's a bit like squeezing in exercise every day; you have to be imaginative.

If you don't feel like you have the time to write, pick up a pen and paper or your phone, and write whenever you got a spare moment. It can be when you commute, wait in line, when your baby is asleep, during your lunch break, by getting up 15-60 minutes earlier every day, and more.

You can squeeze in your hopes and your dreams into your daily life, and you'll feel so much happier for it!

I hope this was helpful to you. Remember to follow your dreams!

Tomorrow I will answer the question: Which music do I listen to when I write?

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